Cover Plans & Premium


Happy Tails Plans

Protect your pet with Happy Tails™ and give your dog or cat the best medical care while protecting your bank account from unexpected and expensive veterinary bills.

Dog & Puppy Insurance

Happy Tails™ offers three (3) plan options so you can choose the best pet insurance coverage for your dog or puppy that fits your budget.

  Maximum Benefits Payable Per Year (HK$)
  Standard Plan Premier Plan Ultimate Plan
Maximum Benefits Payable Per Year for Surgical Benefit, Chemotherapy Benefit and Final Expenses Benefit (HK$) $19,250 $41,250 $68,750

1. Surgical Benefit

Surgical Benefit
Pays for Medically Necessary Surgery which includes diagnostic test, Veterinarian’s fee, operating theatre fee, drugs, dressings and miscellaneous expenses related to a Surgery
$13,750 $33,000 $55,000
Room and Board Expenses
Cost of boarding at a licensed veterinarian clinic or hospital following a Surgery
$1,375 $3,300 $5,500
Post Surgical Treatment Benefit
Follow-up consultations, diagnostic and laboratory services, examinations including acupuncture up to 90 days following Surgery

The total aggregate limit of all benefits combined shall not exceed the Clinical and Surgical Benefit limit.
$825 $1,650 $2,750

2. Chemotherapy Benefit

Cost of chemotherapy treatment incurred in a licensed veterinary clinic or hospital
$5,500 $8,250 $13,750

3. Final Expenses Benefit

Cost and expenses incurred for euthanasia, cremation, funeral service and handling charges following death of the Pet
N. A. $1,375 $1,375

4. Third Party Legal Liability

Legal liability due to accidental bodily injury and/or loss or damage to property of third parties caused by Your Pet.
$550,000 $1,375,000 $2,750,000
The portion of claim amount you need to pay.
20% - Dogs enrolled before age 4
30% - Dogs enrolled before age 7
40% - Dogs enrolled before age 9

Cat & Kitten Insurance

Happy Tails™ Purrfect Plan provides superior cover for your cat or kitten from worry-free protection.

  Maximum Benefits Payable Per Year (HK$)
  Cat Plan
Maximum Benefits Payable Per Year for Surgical Benefit, Chemotherapy Benefit and Final Expenses Benefit (HK$) $27,500

1. Surgical Benefit

Surgical Benefit
Pays for Medically Necessary Surgery which includes diagnostic tests, Veterinarian’s fee, operating theatre fee, drugs, dressings and miscellaneous expenses related to a Surgery
Room and Board Expenses
Cost of boarding at a licensed veterinarian clinic or hospital following a Surgery
Post Surgical Treatment Benefit
Follow-up consultations, diagnostic and laboratory services, examinations including acupuncture up to 90 days following Surgery

The total aggregate limit of all benefits combined shall not exceed the Clinical and Surgical Benefit limit

2. Chemotherapy Benefit

Cost of chemotherapy treatment incurred in a licensed veterinary clinic or hospital

3. Final Expenses Benefit

Cost and expenses incurred for euthanasia, cremation, funeral service and handling charges following death

4. Third Party Legal Liability

Legal liability due to accidental bodily injury and/or loss or damage to property of third parties caused by Your Pet
The portion of claim amount you need to pay
20% - Cats enrolled before age 4
30% - Cats enrolled before age 7
40% - Cats enrolled before age 9

No Claim Discount (NCD)

A discount will be granted on the renewal premium if no claim has been made under the policy in the preceding year.

Period of Insurance Inception year 1st Renewal 2nd Renewal 3rd Renewal 4th & Subsequent Renewals
Discount Elegibility 0% 5% 10% 15% 15%

In the event of a claim made, the No Claim Discount will be reduced to zero at the following renewal. If there are more than 1 pet insured, the NCD shall be applied on each pet separately.

You should only apply for Happy Tails if you decide that it is suitable for your risks and needs. Please seek quotes from an alternative market source should the product not be suitable to your risks and needs. This insurance is underwritten by MSIG Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited. The information contained herein is subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions of the policy wording, a copy of which can be obtained here.
In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of any of the above details, the English version shall prevail.